There has been extensive experiments in the past decade being able to use Visual Light as a medium for communication because of its advantages as below :
- Transfer rates of up to 3 Gbit/s
- No radiation exposure
- No interference with radio systems
- Data transmission with commercially available high-power LED lamps
- combination of lighting and data communication
- cost-effective retrofitting possible
- parallel operation of several VLC systems possible
- optically opaque surfaces make data protection easy
- Transmission standard IEEE 802.15.7
When it comes to actually getting the experiment setup for research vs deployment there seems to be very little off the shelf well designed systems that can help kick start . Tenet Technetronics recently signed a distribution agreement to bring in the tools from Hyperion Technologies
Hyperion provides popular LiFi kits of various configurations that helps quickly get started creating VLC systems. An additional advantage of the kits provided are the fact that the addons are created such that existing popular Software Defined Radio platforms can be easily expanded to operate as a VLC hardware.
If you already possess a Software Defined Radio (SDR) from either Ettus Research that we have been distributing for the past decade or the new popular platforms like the LimeSDR platform you could easily expand these existing hardware with VLC addons from Hyperion.
We would soon offer more information technical as well as general interesting facts about the LiFi kits so stay tuned. For enquiries related to the products as always please feel free to send us an email at