The most challenging part of an overall electronic product development is the effort involved in programming the actual microcontroller and to get it right and being able to make iterative improvements is challenging too.
What if you had a choice to employ a Auto code generator and more importantly we said it is affordable to begin with. Over the last couple of years we have seen a increasing number of customers wanting to implement some crazy ideas on a microcontroller but often get disappointed when they have to deal with programming. Not so long ago did we start explorations for code generators and test run a few of them and to be fair there are very few commercial production ready tools . Now more importantly we found the cost is prohibitively high for a startup/hobbyist or a lone wolf engineer who would like to adopt.
Here is a small example of our experience building a Bluetooth controlled Robot completely using Model Based Workflow . Literally no hand code was done we just drew diagrams that generated automatically C code and helped compile and download onto an Arduino.
Do it yourself has been our core ideas and we think it is true that we could build systems with Auto code generators !
Now that we had this experience we have now been able to offer the Altair Embed Basic tools that are focused on Design engineers who want to Rapidly create cool systems.
The Altair EMBED basic which is a 100 block limited edition geared mainly for engineers to get started with this and is now available to buy through our webstore. A single annual license would allow to target and run diagrams on 1000+ microcontrollers ranging from Arduino, Raspberry Pi, STM32 and the likes. As always stay tuned for videos on all these platforms.
In the meanwhile if you want to test run , buy these tools they are already available at the webstore
Please send us your queries if any to info@tenettech.com