If you are in any of the following case as mentioned below:
- You are having a current model of USRP E310 with the updated UHD version.
- You are having the older model of USRP E310 with older UHD version then kindly upgrade the image from the previous post link and then proceed further.
Then in such case, there is a need for setting an IP address in order to interface the USRP E310 with the host computer system. The IP address can be made either Static or dynamic.
Dynamic IP address :
For manually setting the IP address follow the step:
• Interface the USRP E310 with the host system using a serial connection (via USB) .For serial connection refer link.
• Further type the comment as mentioned below
• This will display the connection port. Check for the eth0 port, which is basically an Ethernet port. There will not be any IPV4 address allotted for the Ethernet.
• Hence allocate the IP address using the following commands
Ifconfig eth0
• You can set any IP address as per you network requirement. Now you can interface using the Ethernet connection.
But then this results in a tedious process as every time you need to set an IP address manually when you interface a USRP E310 with the host system.
Static IP address:
For setting the IP address static kindly follow the process as shown below:
• Interface the USRP E310 with the host system using a serial connection (via USB)
• Reaching the path of interfaces code page with the help of cd commands and further open the interface code script using vi commands.
cd /etc/network/
$ /etc/network/ vi interfaces

• In the terminal edit the commands as mentioned below:
#Wired or wireless interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface eth0 inet static
iface eth1 inet dhcp
• Once the code is modified with the IP address , then save the script with the instruction mention below:
Press Esc followed by : and then wq in order to save the edited files

• Now there is a need to stop the IP configuration once, so that it doesn’t changes each time the USRP E310 is interface with the host system. Therefore type the commands as mentioned below:
cd /etc/init.d/
$ /etc/init.d/ networking stop
• Hence now the IP is permanently applied for a device and it does not reset each time.
Once the IP address is made static, then try connecting the device using Ethernet connection for verification.
Enjoy Learning!