It is been a great pleasure organizing a 3 days “Internet of Things with Raspberry PI 3 and python” training event at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere. This workshop was organized by the department of Computer science of Engineering in association with Tenet Technetronics Bangalore. The event was held on 9th, 10th and 11th of November, 2016, the participants were from 5th semester students. There were 100 participants present for this event.
Tenet Technetronics is glad and hearty thanks to the Computer science department Faculties and Management for providing us an opportunity to host this training in their college and make it go success.
The main objective of this workshop was on Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi 3 and Python coding, raspberry pi interfaced with different kind of sensors using the Pi board.
On the first day, the very first session was presented by our technical expert Mr. Umashankar Shetty with an introduction to Raspberry Pi. Then the session followed up with the Raspberry Pi platform. It was a brief introduction about the Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi and Python programming platform, Rasp-pi features and hardware description.
The participants were divided equally in to 2 separate batches wherein one batch was handled by our Technical expert Mr. Umashankar and the other was handled by Mr. Salai Deva Thirumani
The second session was followed up with hands-on Raspberry Pi interfaces with Universal GPIO board. The participants were keen in understanding interfaces with Raspberry Pi and they were assigned with tasks, as the session carried on with basic input/output interfaces like making LED glow, blinking an LED, making all 8 LED’s to blink at a time, reading a digital value from a push-button switch, based on the button pressed the LED’s should turn ON, buzzer to beep, and a counter program to count the no of times the button is being pressed and so on . . .
On the day two, the session continued with Analog interfaces like Potentiometer (reading analog value and printing on serial monitor), interfacing Light sensor, Interfacing temperature sensor to measure the room temperature in degree Celsius.
The second session of the day started with interfacing DC motor with raspberry pi to run in forward and backward direction. Interfacing obstacle sensor with Raspberry Pi, Getting started with TKinter, building a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in TKinter and controlling a motor using GUI. The participants were very good in interfacing and rigging the circuits, as well as writing the code. Different tasks were assigned to students while interfacing various sensors.
On day three, the session started with Internet of Things on Raspberry Pi and Applications on the same, Getting started with open source cloud, Thingspeak and creating a channel in Thingspeak. Interfacing Temperature sensor with rasp-pi and uploading the sensor data to the “Cloud”. Introduction to Tenet’s cloud and controlling LED’s using Tenet’s Cloud, Data logger using Rasp-pi.
Finally a demo on controlling real time appliances like 230V Bulb from a cloud and webcam interface to raspberry pi and Introduction to Open Computer Vision and face detection was presented to students. This demo included controlling 3 Bulbs over the Internet cloud so that the user can switch off the home appliances sitting somewhere in the world. Explanation on OpenCV using Pi and real time face detection using a webcam interfaced to Pi.
At the end of the day the participants were provided with the certificates. The students were interested to attend many such events in future and we had a pretty good feedback from them.