Hey guys,
It’s again an Arduino day at Tenet Technetronics as we are hosting an Arduino Workshop this month, 13h and 14th of August 2016. The question will be who all could attend the workshop? Well, the answer will be Engineers from electronics background or can be a Hobbyist from Non-technical background or can be computer student want to learn electronics and some technical stuff.
Arduino platform is different from the other microcontroller’s platform; Arduino is an open source platform, where the hardware as well as software, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is open source.
The Syllabus of this workshop is perfectly designed for beginners as well as for experts. It covers from basic interfaces of digital/analog peripherals to some intermediate interfaces. This workshop will be complete hands-on experience. Also it will gives open exposure to independently work on Arduino platform. This workshop will provide a whole new experience of Arduino open source platform with a huge Arduino community.
So hurry up and enroll yourself for this amazing training experience by contacting our training and workshop team at info@tenettech.com
For more information log on to www.tenettech.com