Arduino is no doubt the popular solution of this era and there are a lot of exciting projects that people are building with these platforms spanning across varied domains. Arduino is a bareboard that consists of a microcontroller mounted on a high quality PCB with a very simple programming interface. This makes it easy to buy one and then get started quickly without many hassles. The “Blink” code is the easiest to begin with and a default design to start as a first project with the Arduino. Often customers come back to us asking the questions of what next?
Arduino comes along with a great set of tutorials on the web as well as some cool examples on the Arduino software itself. But one has to have the right devices in hand to try them hands on .This is where we thought a good assortment of the components packaged along with the Arduino can really help the user to kick start projects sooner than before. We made a survey of people who bought Arduino with a standard set of questions and asked them what components they would like to buy along with the Arduino and collected the feedback and came up with the idea of “Tenet Arduino Mini Project Kit” (TAMP) .
“Tenet Arduino Mini Project Kit “(TAMP Kit) is a fantastic assortment of all the needed components to learn as well as prototype a great electronic project at your desk with the Arduino. You no longer are required to travel a mile to hit the store to buy a transistor, LED, LCD, motor, jumper wire and then waste the time dealing with the spec to find out if they work with the Arduino. TAMP kit consists of a wide range of components and provided below is a table of contents of the same.
The TAMP kit includes below mentioned components.
Components Name |
Arduino UNO R3 |
1 |
USB Cable |
1 |
Push button |
2 |
Potentiometer |
1 |
Relay 5v |
1 |
16*2 LCD Display |
1 |
Seven Segment display |
1 |
Shift resistor |
1 |
L293d |
1 |
ULN2803 |
1 |
Transistor |
1 |
Bread Board |
1 |
10mm Led’s (mixed pack of 5) |
1 |
5mm Led’s (mixed pack of 10) |
1 |
Temperature sensor |
1 |
Light dependent sensor |
1 |
Jumper wires (pack of 10) |
1 |
Connecting wires (pack of 10) |
1 |
Wire stripper |
1 |
1k Resistor (pack of 10) |
1 |
10k Resistor |
2 |
7805 voltage regulator |
1 |
10uf, 100uf Capacitor |
1 |
2-pin , 3-pin Terminal Block |
1 |
1N4007 Diode |
1 |
Note: Reduced prices for students. Hurry up!
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