Tenet LCD booster pack for TI MSP , a set on Flickr.
Given the lowest cost of the TI MSP launchpad it is no doubt becoming a choice of designers and there are not many booster packs that are available to easily interface external hardwares with the TI MSP launchpad. During our workshop sessions we found attendees finding it hard to connect LCDs to the MSPs and in order to simplify the process we came up with this LCD booster pack.
We are currently writing up the doc and also in the process of making a video for the same. Here are some pictures to give an overview of how it would look !
We are planning to keep the price as low as possible and it is currently anticipated that the end user pricing would be INR100/USD 2 when available on our stores.
Note : The cost does not involve the LCD and is only the cost for the booster pack.
For more information on pre-ordering, please send us an email at info@tenettech.com
Via Flickr:
LCD booster pack designed by Tenet Technetronics for the TI MSP launchpad