Its been a crazy time for all of us at Tenet over the last 3 days. This is the first time that our servers went down due to an increased traffic . Thanks for all you guys out there for having reminded us that we can no longer be lazy and have to pull our socks tight to make sure things like these dont happen again !
We did an RCA (Root Cause Analysis ) on the issue and found out that it was no longer possible for us to be on a shared server with all other websites and we were over utilizing the CPU on a shared server ! So if you are a competitor and are hosted on a shared webspace then beware of this situation ! You might be soon affected with the same issue if your store grows !
Now the solution was to either reduce the content on the website and also move the back end implementation to be more robust in terms of space or to move to a dedicated server !
Option 1 was never feasibile to us as we are adding products at an alarming rate of 15% each month and we decided to go with the dedicated server !
What does it mean to customers ?
- Our website will be served much faster !
- No or negligible down time !
Thanks for all customers who reported the website issue at the earliest when they saw it and thanks for your patience ! We have made all back up plans necessary and all orders are shipping on schedule as agreed upon !
Just in case you still experience any issues with our website then mail us at